Dr. Veronica Tilden
Focus on Vibrant Health
Nichole is frustrated that she is still not pregnant. She has diligently learned to follow all of her signs of ovulation and knows when she is ovulating. She and Eric always enjoy making love on her most fertile days, and they know his sperm are good. So what’s going on?! After doing some more research, […]
Jeff and Erica want a baby, but after over a year of trying Erica is still not pregnant. Jeff was shocked to learn that the problem might be his. After doing a bit of research, he understands that he might not have adequate sperm. Jeff wants to use a sperm test kit at home first and see […]
Monica has friends that use an online ovulation calculator, and they seem to find it helpful. But it is never accurate in predicting when she will ovulate. She finally realized it is because her cycles are so unpredictable in length. After 2 years of trying to conceive unsuccessfully Monica is frustrated and discouraged. Now what? […]
Brian and Chris waited a few years to start their family. Then it took a couple of years to get pregnant, which was fine as they were not particularly in a hurry. The pregnancy was challenging for Chris, with morning sickness, borderline problems with blood pressure and blood sugar, and very swollen ankles. Their baby […]
Sylvia likes her coffee. She can easily drink several cups a day. A friend said the other day, “Hey aren’t you trying to conceive? You know you shouldn’t drink so much coffee, don’t you?” Sylvia actually did not know this, and now has to face making some changes in her daily habits. And she had […]
Michelle is becoming a pro at knowing when her most fertile days occur. She has been charting her basal body temperature (BBT) and signs of fertility for 3 months, and is feeling comfortable with understanding her body and what it is telling her. She loves seeing the pattern unfold each month on her fertility chart […]
Tom and Sarah have been trying to conceive for over a year. Sarah finally asked her gynecologist for help, and to both of their surprise they learned that the problem might be Tom’s. When he had a thorough exam by his primary care doctor, Tom found out he has a varicocele (VAR-ih-koe-seel). He hadn’t even […]
What is a fun, easy, inexpensive fertility monitor? Judy wants to get pregnant, and is learning about her signs of ovulation. A friend told her about using a ferning microscope, so she decided to try it. It sounded kind of yucky at first, but it is really quite beautiful. She had learned that her cervical […]
Sophia and Patrick are smart, and want to do everything they can to maximize their health before and during pregnancy. They want a healthy, happy baby and want the pregnancy to go well. They also want to get pregnant easily. So they have decided not just to believe the hype of the prenatal vitamin company […]