Dr. Veronica Tilden
Focus on Vibrant Health
Donec dignissim nulla quis consectetur cursus. Nam euismod dui vitae orci vulputate volutpat. Morbi at euismod est.
Julia is very frustrated with her lack of success with trying to conceive. She has been using an Ovulation Predictor Kit (OPK) every month, the urine LH stick type. She tests positive, and knows this is the time she is most likely to get pregnant. But still nothing in several months. Now what? Yes, you […]
Her friends are having babies, and Helen is getting discouraged. She did some reading and found out that the most fertile time is when you ovulate. So, exactly when does ovulation occur? Read more to find out.
Laura wants a quick and easy way to know the best time to get pregnant. What she needs is an Ovulation Predictor Kit (OPK). It is simple to use, just pee on the stick and read the result. A positive lets you know now is the best time to conceive.