Dr. Veronica Tilden
Focus on Vibrant Health
Audrey felt she was caught between life and virtual living. She found herself much too often going online and putting in dates to try and figure out her most fertile days. She has tried every different online ovulation calculator she can find. She knows this is ridiculous, but finds herself doing it anyway. It is […]
Tina is determined to get pregnant, and pictures herself holding her beautiful baby in her arms. She knows that understanding her own fertility by watching for her signs of ovulation will help to achieve this. She has enjoyed keeping track of these signs on an ovulation calendar every month, and saves them to learn from. […]
Nichole is frustrated that she is still not pregnant. She has diligently learned to follow all of her signs of ovulation and knows when she is ovulating. She and Eric always enjoy making love on her most fertile days, and they know his sperm are good. So what’s going on?! After doing some more research, […]
Monica has friends that use an online ovulation calculator, and they seem to find it helpful. But it is never accurate in predicting when she will ovulate. She finally realized it is because her cycles are so unpredictable in length. After 2 years of trying to conceive unsuccessfully Monica is frustrated and discouraged. Now what? […]
Carmen is looking at an ovulation calculator online (aka fertility days calculator), but it asks for the length of her luteal phase. What is that? She has barely even started marking her period on the calendar, after not paying any attention to it for many years. But now she wants to get pregnant, and after […]
By Veronica Tilden, DO Donna wonders how an online ovulation calculator could be helpful for her. She needs to enter her cycle length, and that is all over the place. It might be 28 days one month, then 32 the next month, and 25 another month. Then she might go 3 months without any period […]
Maria is excited to find an online ovulation calculator as a fun way to help predict when she will ovulate. She just needs to know the length of her menstrual cycle and the date on which her last menstrual cycle began. She doesn’t have to do anything more, it will calculate for her and give the projected date of ovulation. Then she’ll have an idea when her most fertile days are likely to be.