Dr. Veronica Tilden
Focus on Vibrant Health
Brian and Chris waited a few years to start their family. Then it took a couple of years to get pregnant, which was fine as they were not particularly in a hurry. The pregnancy was challenging for Chris, with morning sickness, borderline problems with blood pressure and blood sugar, and very swollen ankles. Their baby […]
Michelle is becoming a pro at knowing when her most fertile days occur. She has been charting her basal body temperature (BBT) and signs of fertility for 3 months, and is feeling comfortable with understanding her body and what it is telling her. She loves seeing the pattern unfold each month on her fertility chart […]
Sophia and Patrick are smart, and want to do everything they can to maximize their health before and during pregnancy. They want a healthy, happy baby and want the pregnancy to go well. They also want to get pregnant easily. So they have decided not just to believe the hype of the prenatal vitamin company […]
Joan wants to get pregnant easily, have a healthy pregnancy, and a happy, healthy baby. She wants to know what the critical factors are that help make this possible. She knows on some level that nutrition is important. But which nutrients are critical, and what are the best ways to get those nutrients? Why is Vitamin A One of […]