
Audrey felt she was caught between life and virtual living.  She found herself much too often going online and putting in dates to try and figure out her most fertile days.  She has tried every different online ovulation calculator she can find.

She knows this is ridiculous, but finds herself doing it anyway.  It is like Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity:  “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”  The result she really wants is to be pregnant and hold her beautiful baby in her arms.

What Are 5 Myths About Using An Ovulation Calculator?

Myth #1:  An ovulation calculator will exactly give me my most fertile days

  • The truth is that it is only an estimate, and you should use all of your signs of ovulation to help you.  This includes monitoring your cervical mucus, your basal body temperature and watch for ferning of your saliva.

Myth #2:  I can use an ovulation calculator even if my cycles are irregular

  • The truth is that it is unlikely to be helpful if you do not have regular cycles.  Because we ovulate typically 14 days before the next menstrual cycle, you may miss your most fertile days completely if you have an unusually long or short cycle.

Myth #3:  If my signs of ovulation are not there I can still find my fertile days using an ovulation calculator

  • The truth is that if you do not have obvious signs of ovulation you may not even be ovulating at all.  You can do calculations for several months in a row, but it will do you no good at all if there is not an egg present to be fertilized by the sperm.

Myth #4:  I can use an ovulation calculator even if my luteal phase if extremely short or long

  • Your luteal phase is the second half of your menstrual cycle, after you ovulate. The truth is that if your luteal phase is abnormal, your fertility may be compromised.  So even if it is the same every month, you may be unable to conceive easily.  Your luteal phase should be 12 to 16 days in length.

Myth #5:  I shouldn’t have to do anything except stop using birth control and an ovulation calculator to get pregnant right away

  • The truth is this does not happen for most women.  Many are living unhealthy lives, eating a very poor diet, and experiencing high levels of stress.  These factors compromise your health and fertility, and you often have to focus on taking care of yourself for a few months first.

In realty, when you are trying to get pregnant there is often much more to it than just trying to calculate your most fertile days.  Especially when that calculation is not individualized to the details of your own unique cycles.  If you were already pregnant you would not be reading this.  So what needs to be different?  You must have good health to be fertile!

To evaluate your level of health, you must understand your own menstrual cycles and how they compare to normal.  A normal menstrual cycle may not look like what you think.  For example, it is not normal to have premenstrual symptoms such as breast tenderness or menstrual cramps.

Learn what a normal menstrual cycle is like.  Then learn what you can do to support your health and vitality to normalize your own cycles.

To Your Vibrant Health!

Veronica Tilden, D.O.